Project Context
Resource Library is a database functionality on Hoffman Centre's website. Some specific resources, such as Research papers, Summary articles and Data sets are included in our library. People can share and access these information, and they also can create their knowledge map base on their interests of different topics as well as social relation network. Besides, people are allowed to pick specific topics and look at the different information under that category more in-depth.
Resource Library是霍夫曼中心网站上的一个数据库功能板块。图书馆里面包括了一些特定的资源,比如研究论文、摘要文章和数据集。人们可以共享和获取这些信息,也可以根据自己对不同话题的兴趣以及社会关系网络来创建自己的知识地图。除此之外,人们也可以选择特定的主题,并在这个类别下更深入地查看不同的信息。
Hoffmann Center Current Website: https://hoffmanncentre.chathamhouse.org/
ROLE:UX Designer
DATE:January 2020 - March 2020
METHODS & TOOL:User Interview, Competitive Analysis, Usability Studies, Affinity Diagram, Sketch
TEAMMATES:Faye (Designer), Lin (PM), Yitong Kong (Researcher)
Sponsored by: Applied Works & Hoffman Centre

Target group & Stakeholder
Target Group
Major thinkers; Corporate Leaders; Investors; Academics and Officials
The goal of Hoffman Centre
A sustainable resource economy, in which the world’s citizens and the environment can thrive. It works with thought-leaders in politics, business and research to accelerate the uptake of smart policies, technologies and business models that will reshape the world’s demand for resources and transform the global economy.
Inter-connectedness between stakeholders

Executing independently, we conducted user research and found out that our users are some experts as well as professors, and users actually feel excited and satisfied when they access different kinds of knowledge. They need more freedom to access an organize the knowledge they knew or they want to know, rather than to surf on our website. It's more about the knowledge acquisition experience, the interaction with the website, less about the knowledge showcase.
Therefore, our design question was "How might we help users access knowledge through different paths on our website?"
Followed HCD process throughout 3 months
We followed the User Center Design process to investigate the way people socialize in the professional situation and how they usually access knowledge. We also focus on the information architecture on our website. Letting user research be our guide, we brainstormed and designed multiple solutions. We then tested our ideas via usability tests and developed a high-fidelity interactive prototype based on our findings.

Website Analysis
To start with the research, we analyzed the information structure of Hoffman Centre and did some research thesis about information architecture. It involves current ingredients, target group, goal, competitor, and we paid attention to its current website structure, to be specific——about what the ingredients are and how they are organized to reach out to people.
首先,我们分析了Hoffman Centre的信息结构,并做了一些关于信息架构的研究论文。 我们对网站现在的内容,目标群体,目标,竞争者,网站结构进行了分析,其中我们非常关注网站的信息结构以及它们是如何组织起来接触人们的。
We learned that:
(1) Hoffman Centre's website consists of articles, events, research papers and data sets based on 3 themes (demand, industry, land economy). The existing level of information on the website is not very clear and people may not read the article in a systematic way.
Hoffman Centre的网站由文章、事件、研究论文和数据集组成,它们都基于3大主题(需求、工业、土地经济)。网站上现有的信息层级不是很清楚,人们可能不能系统地阅读文章。
(2) There are very few functions on the website, and current navigation only can be provided through searching content tags or author names and checking the event calendar, besides, that also lead to the low user engagement

Field Research
We went to the conference of Hoffmann Centre, and did some observation for their offline resource.
We found that:
The members of the Hoffman Centre usually have a short conversation, such as the discussion of a specific topic before the conference, and we think might be an opportunity point for members to interact with others based on the specific knowledge as well as increase their engagement.
我们参加了霍夫曼中心的一个关于亚洲可持续发展的讲座,并尝试对会议的现场进行观察,希望可以从中发现一些设计机会点。 我们发现:在会议开始之前,会员们偏向于与感兴趣的人进行一段简短的交流,交流的题材可以是对会议的感受或者对某些时事的见解,我们认为这个细节可能可以作为我们的设计机会点去构建我们的资源图书馆并让会员之间进行“知识互换”。

Literature Review
We reframed our literature review, trying to broaden our vision through developing the overall understanding of inter-connectedness beyond the screen. In addition, we also started to do a literature review to expand the understanding of interconnectedness based on knowledge as well as the social relationship. So we did brainstorming to consider what kind of inter-connectedness would happen in our daily life.
Then, we decided them into 4 fields——Social relationship, Architecture, Technology, Neurology and assigned the task of reading relevant essays individually.
Six degrees of separation and Dunbar's number theories play a big role in the interpersonal network. Six degrees of separation is the idea that all people are six, or fewer, social connections away from each other. Also known as the 6 Handshakes rule. As a result, a chain of "a friend of a friend" statements can be made to connect any two people in a maximum of six steps. It was originally set out by Frigyes Karinthy in 1929.
In 2014, LinkedIn rolled out a new feature called “How You’re Connected” which allowed users to see details about the relationship between two connections that may not be in your network. The addition of this tool made it easier for LinkedIn users to analyze their own graph of connections by making it more clear who is a strong relationship and who is a weak relationship within their own and other professional networks. Six Degrees of Separation is Vital for Business to some extent.
A significant yet often overlooked component of people’s information environments is composed of the relationships that they use to acquire information and knowledge. If we can visualize and understand the myriad of relationships, then we may can either facilitate or impede knowledge creation and transfer.

We did three experiments to explore how information could be spread and explored through the connection of people. And we suppose that spread and exchange information through a social network can be a new way for people to explore information.

To combine the possibilities, we agree on focusing on how social networks can help with information inter-connectedness as a new means of navigation since it involves information spreading and human relationships. We also thought about how to combine social network within knowledge management.

We start from the affinity diagraming to figure out the connectedness between social network and information. We explored different solutions and we discussed and decided the most feasible solution for this new feature finally.
Basically, our idea is to build a "knowledge map" to visualize content's inter-connectedness based on "Information Hierarchy", and consider people as the connection to form a new path for exploring information.
Concept Development
In order to know more about people's mental model of knowledge map, we invited them to draw their knowledge map and we try to have an understanding that as well as get some inspiration.

We can see that most people's mental maps of knowledge are tree-structured and they usually start to draw their map from the field they are interested in. What's interesting is that some people build their knowledge maps based on the intensity of interest and how long they know it.
In this observation, we found that the knowledge map in people's mind is composed of connected knowledge and the shape of "knowledge" is can be various shapes.
Knowledge map & Information Architecture
We have sorted the content of the Hoffman Centre website by its category and visualized the information hierarchy. We replaced the plane figure with a stereochemical structure because we thought users would be able to adjust their interest in a particular topic or tag.

User Flow
A. People need to choose the topic they are interested in and adjust the interest level when they use the knowledge map for the first time.
B. Basically, we designed two paths for users to explore in their knowledge map:
a. Put the mouse over the topic or tag that you are interested in, and the system will automatically recommend the most authoritative experts in this field to you basis on the big data analysis. Users can directly click the tag which on the author's profile and link to the relevant articles, or click on the tag to enter the tag library for related knowledge.
b. Searching on the knowledge map, in the mean time, related topics or tags will be lit up, and users can choose what they are interested in to read.
B.基本我们设计了两条路径供用户在他们的knowledge map中进行探索:

Final Design
Form Knowledge Map through choose what they've known and they interest in.

People can link to author's profile-- learn form their publications, connections, events and knowledge map.

Other path for information discovery
Other path for exploring information, through searching and weekly recommendation.

Offline Event
1. Connecting other participants through event footprint and that will enable you to know others' specialization before the event.
2. In the event, the topic you interested in may trigger a conversation with others.
2. In the event, the topic you interested in may trigger a conversation with others.